
Wednesday, 18 December 2019

OneCoin Digital Currency Got Legal Status Everywhere

Future Worth Needs for OneCoin 

Der aktuelle OneCoin-Wert beträgt 20,75 Euro. OneCoin wird am 8. Oktober 2018 auf den freien Markt gebracht. Es sind die Kunden, die sich nach dem Versand auf den freien Markt für das Schicksal von OneCoin entscheiden. Dr. Ruja hat seinen Kunden eine erstaunliche Struktur gegeben.

In kurzer Zeit werden die Kosten hoch sein, wenn die Kunden ihre Münzen fünf bis ein halbes Jahr nach dem Versand an den freien Markt zurückhalten. Die Erklärung ist prompt, die neuen Kunden werden neue Münzen kaufen. In diesem Sinne wird sich der Ausgabekurs erhöhen, und in gleicher Weise werden sich die Kosten der Münze erhöhen.

Unabhängig davon ergab sich im Allgemeinen ein offener Handel, da wir die Dinge auf Standard überprüfen müssen. Die Vision von OneCoin ist nicht nur, ein handelbarer Vermögenswert zu sein, unabhängig davon, was als Bündelgeld angesehen wird. OneCoin denkt nicht über bestimmte Kryptos nach, es wird keine bevorzugte Position sein. Vielleicht müssen sie Geld verdienen. Hier ist die Übersicht der Personen pro Land, die mit OneCoin in Verbindung stehen.

The current OneCoin worth is 20.75 euros. OneCoin will be dispatch to the open market on eighth October 2018. It will be the customers that pick the certain destiny of OneCoin after its dispatch to the open market. Dr. Ruja has given a stunning structure to its customers.

In a little while, if the customers keep their coins on hold 5 to a half years after its dispatch to open market the cost will go high. The explanation is prompt, the new coming customers will buy new coins. Along these lines, the issue rate will extend and in like manner, the expense of the coin will increment.

Regardless, open trading was yielded generally since we need to screen things for standard. The vision of OneCoin isn't just to be a tradable asset regardless of all things considered bundle money. OneCoin isn't thinking about specific cryptos, it won't be a favored position. Maybe they have conditions to be made as to money. Here is the speedy outline of people per country that are related to OneCoin.

If affiliations get rules, OneCoin can make. Since the advanced for the most part controlled blockchain will make quick and direct all things considered allotments possible. Its KYC in the blockchain can make it government-fulfilling so we may see multimillion customer gathering. That way cost may go up to 100 until 2020.

Figuratively speaking, if Bitcoin will be 10000$ with 3 million customers (Cambridge concentrate found that whole crypto world has 3million customers with unequivocal coins or tokens), and 16.6 million coins accessible for use.

By then by a relative math OneCoin needs 105 Million customers to have 100 Euro cost with 56 Billion ONE accessible for use (that is the quantity of ONE that will be mined by October 2018). The rest of the coin will be held by the relationship to control the expense.

105 million exceptional individuals don't look such a fundamental number of for 7 Billion people on the planet and if OneCoin enters the standard.
We would like to inform you that Veselina Valkova and Habib Ur Rahman Zahid are no longer part of the Company’s family. As we are saying farewell to Veselina, we are acknowledging the hard work she has done for everyone during this journey!

Although we part ways with valuable employees of the company, the journey will continue to overcome the difficulties created by the various ill-wishers. We spare no efforts to bring the company back to its place – at the top!

We are currently experiencing some technical issues at some of our sites and our software specialists are working around the clock to resolve them.

We would also like to share that important meetings with the leaders are taking place this week in Sofia and the topics discussed are the various actions and steps that need to be undertaken for overcoming the difficulties created by third parties and to continue to a prosperous and successful future.

We believe that together we have the resources and the potential to increase the highest reported results of the company and to be once more at the top!

We look forward to sending you another update next week after our series of meetings with the leaders.

Despite multiple agents publicly stating OneCoin is fraudulent and the DOJ’s entire case against Mark Scott resting on this fact, when questioned about it Danielsen replied;
"You are misinformed. The US prosecutor has not stated what you are referring to. The fact that an employee of the tax authority has stated something in this direction is not evidence of what the prosecuting authority thinks. It is just an expression of what a random employee thinks. As unimportant as what a journalist might think, in fact."

So uh yeah, Konstantin Ignatov is on the verge of being released. And Mark Scott was convicted of laundering 400 million in stolen OneCoin investor funds, but the case had nothing to do with OneCoin – which is also totally not a fraudulent business, despite that being a cornerstone of the DOJ’s case against both Scott and Ignatov.

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