
Saturday 14 December 2019

A Very Big Surprise for all the OneCoiners from Italy, Russia, and Ukraine


An enormous provincial occasion and DealShaker EXPO - ONESIB occurred in the Russian city of Novosibirsk!

In the initial two days there was a provincial occasion and afterward the DealShaker EXPO. All things considered, we had an extra third day which involved preparing by OneLife world pioneers for the Russian chiefs.

The 3-day program was occupied and, tragically, this gathering would not allow an inside and out clarification. Be that as it may, fortunately, we can impart the features of this occasion to you.

A sum of 295 individuals went to the occasion, of which 121 were shippers with an assortment of products and enterprises at a bargain for Ones.

On the principal day, a meeting was held at which sub-franchisees of the locales (9), significant dealers, world pioneers of the organization (Dr. Putra, Nikolai Khan and King James), just as the coordinators of the occasion took an interest.

An enormous amusement program was sorted out, which occurred all through the gathering. A marvel challenge was held at the GALA supper, in which the girls of our accomplices partook.

The abilities of each were assessed by a jury dependent on the aftereffects of three rivalries. The honor occurred in three classifications: Miss OneLife, Miss Dealshaker and Miss OneSib. Every one of the champs got a mink coat as a blessing.

On the subsequent day, the Expo Dealshaker presentation was held, which was gone to by 121 shippers. 338 arrangements were introduced, of which 163 were exchanged for 100% ONE and 81 were exchanged for half ONE, and the rest of the exchanges were worth more than 51 to 99% ONE.

Dealers offered available to be purchased: garments and shoes, nourishment, wellbeing items, adornments (counting gold) and fragrances, keepsakes and the sky is the limit from there. To start with, vendors were allowed the chance to buy merchandise from one another, and afterward to all accomplices.

Every one of the accomplices and traders taking part in the EXPO had the option to buy presents for family members and companions by the new year.

On the third day, there was an initiative preparing by Dr. Putra and Nikolai Khan on working with OneLife, DealShaker and on leading territorial occasions. Every one of the present heads got a ton of commonsense information and instances of building equipped work.

Every one of the visitors got numerous impressions, information and bought merchandise and ventures for Ones! The sorting out group thanks every one of the members for supporting the ONESIB occasion and coming to Siberia with their groups!

See you at new occasions!

Best respects,

The DealShaker Russia Team


An incredible Mastermind with in excess of 700 individuals originating from more than 30 nations finished with extraordinary achievement. It was sorted out by the Blue Diamond Luca Miatton with the Verona group close by the Italian DealShaker establishment holder Marco Vassanelli.

With incredible endeavors, individuals have been taken from lodgings to the setting and back to visit Verona by transports and minivans.

In excess of 130 traders sold items and administrations with more than 6,000 members utilizing their Ones. Most of dealers were sold-out by the early evening!

Congrats and unique gratitude to the individuals who have worked for this extraordinary achievement and for the model depicted to the OneLife people group.


DealShaker EXPO occurred in Kyiv, Ukraine. Numerous visitors originated from numerous areas of the country and even everywhere throughout the world, including nations, for example, Russia, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, and Azerbaijan.

There were 350 visitors and 45 traders.

Among the merchandise were: garments, nectar, rec center administrations and gear, tailor administrations, inns and travel vouchers, games for youngsters, vehicles, condos, electric gadgets, wine, restorative indicative hardware, cakes, and back rub administration.

a Mastermind was held and pioneers and dynamic accomplices were sharing their encounters as shippers on the DealShaker.

Everybody was energized and persuaded to fabricate DealShaker significantly more by getting more vendors and making Ones progressively usable on the stage.

New Ukrainian law says "Virtual Resources" can be used for portions. 

The Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's get together, has supported amendments that present legitimate terms and definitions identifying with the crypto space.

The new institution, which intends to transpose the FATF standards into national law, in like manner perceives who is to expect obligation for the oversight of cryptographic types of cash in the country.

Using crypto for portions and hypotheses. 

The draft law on the balancing activity of the endorsing of proceeds from bad behavior and the financing of mental mistreatment and weapons of mass demolition duplication was reinforced by a vital lion's offer in the Rada.

The bill was reexamined to merge "virtual assets" which have been depicted as property and as a modernized explanation of noteworthy worth that can be traded or moved and used for portion or adventure purposes.

Ukraine's foe of unlawful assessment shirking (AML) authorization exhibits the standards for virtual assets grasped for the present year by the Monetary Activity Team (FATF).

The people from the between administrative relationship starting late agreed to screen and assess the use of the crypto essentials in different countries.

The law furthermore displays the articulation "provider of organizations related to the trade, exchange, and limit of virtual assets," the crypto information outlet Forklog reveals in an article.

A fascinating focal point is that corporate substances, just as private individuals as well, will be allowed to offer such organizations under the new rules.

All crypto exercises will be needy upon different degrees of cash related checking to depend upon the entirety and objective of each trade.

The Service of Advanced Change, which has been dynamic this year, will be depended to deal with the course of virtual assets in Ukraine. It will similarly guide oversight to check consistency with AML rules in the crypto circle.

Kyiv to assemble oversight as a segment of EU duties. 

The progressions overseeing cryptographic types of cash have been set up by administrators from the multi-factional parliamentary social event 'Blockchain4Ukraine' with the help of the EU-financed ace and sensible concentrate Better Guideline Conveyance Office (BRDO) and people from the business.

They were settled on second scrutinizing this past Friday after the chief examining happened on Nov 1. The gathering of the law is a bit of Ukraine's obligations under its alliance simultaneousness with the EU, Ukrinform noted in a report and will open the way for a tranche of €500 million in budgetary assistance.

Laws in Ukraine are ordinarily given three consecutive readings. During the primary, deputies in the Rada recognize the draft on a basic level. By then, they have two weeks to propose modifications before the consequent examining occurs.

The law is finally avowed on a third examining. Regardless, bills are consistently grasped during the consequent examining and to a great extent a lot after the first.

The status of the FATF-breathed life into bill on the Rada's site is by and by "grasped" and "being set in the mood for checking." New laws in Ukraine are set apart by the president.

During the prop up settling on Dec 6, a strong prevailing piece of in excess of 240 operators supported the law that moreover unites plans from EU's Fourth and Fifth Enemy of Illegal expense shirking Mandates.

One of the corrections displayed during the discoursed in the Ukrainian parliament reduces the from the outset proposed disciplines for breaks of the AML authorization.

Another obliges Ukraine's budgetary controllers to change their substatutory exhibits with the new establishment inside a fourth of a time of its going into control.

The back and forth movement association in Kyiv, which took control after the arrangement of Volodymyr Zelensky as president and the general political race this pre-summer in which his Worker of the Individuals party won an a lot of seats has been extremely positive towards the country's crypto organize.

A store developed starting late by the Ukrainian government will pass on $18 million in grants among new organizations from innovative divisions of the economy including the blockchain business.

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