
Saturday 14 December 2019

OneCoin Surprize Russia, Italy and Ukraine

A large regional event and DealShaker EXPO - ONESIB took place in the Russian city of Novosibirsk!

In the first two days there was a regional event and then the DealShaker EXPO. Still, we had an additional third day which comprised training by OneLife world leaders for the Russian leaders.

The 3-day program was very busy and, unfortunately, this forum would not permit an in-depth explanation. But, thankfully, we can share the highlights of this event with you.

A total of 295 people attended the event, of which 121 were merchants with a variety of goods and services on sale for Ones.

On the first day, a conference was held at which sub-franchisees of the regions (9), major merchants, world leaders of the company (Dr. Putra, Nikolai Khan and King Jayms), as well as the organizers of the event participated.

A large entertainment program was organized, which took place throughout the conference. A beauty contest was held at the GALA dinner, in which the daughters of our partners took part.

The talents of each were evaluated by a jury based on the results of three competitions. The award took place in three categories: Miss OneLife, Miss Dealshaker and Miss OneSib. Each of the winners received a mink coat as a gift.

On the second day, the Expo Dealshaker exhibition was held, which was attended by 121 merchants. 338 deals were presented, of which 163 were traded for 100% ONE and 81 were traded for 50% ONE, and the remaining trades were worth more than 51 to 99% ONE.

 Merchants offered for sale: clothes and shoes, food, health products, jewelry (including gold) and perfumes, souvenirs and more. First, merchants were given the opportunity to purchase goods from each other, and then to all partners.

 Each of the partners and merchants participating in the EXPO was able to purchase gifts for relatives and friends by the new year.

On the third day, there was a leadership training by Dr. Putra and Nikolai Khan on working with OneLife, DealShaker and on conducting regional events. Each of the present leaders received a lot of practical knowledge and examples of building competent work.

Each of the guests received many impressions, knowledge and purchased goods and services for Ones! The organizing team thanks all the participants for supporting the ONESIB event and coming to Siberia with their teams!

See you at new events!
Best regards,
The DealShaker Russia Team


A great Mastermind with more than 700 people coming from over 30 countries ended with great success. It was organized by the Blue Diamond Luca Miatton with the Verona team alongside the Italian DealShaker franchise holder Marco Vassanelli.

With great efforts, members have been taken from hotels to the venue & back to visit Verona by buses & minivans.

More than 130 merchants sold products & services with over 6,000 participants using their Ones. The majority of merchants were sold-out by the early afternoon!

Congratulations and special thanks to the people who have worked for this great success and for the example portrayed to the OneLife community.


DealShaker EXPO took place in Kiev, Ukraine. Many guests came from many regions of the nation and even all over the world, including countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, and Azerbaijan.

There were 350 guests and 45 merchants.

Among the goods were: clothes, honey, gym services and equipment, tailor services, hotels and travel vouchers, games for children, cars, apartments, electric devices, wine, medical diagnostic equipment, cakes, and massage service.

a Mastermind was held and leaders and active partners were sharing their experiences as merchants on the DealShaker.

Everyone was excited and motivated to build DealShaker even more by getting more merchants and making Ones more usable on the platform.

** New Ukrainian law says "Virtual Resources" can be utilized for installments. 

The Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's assembly, has endorsed revisions that present lawful terms and definitions relating to the crypto space.

The new enactment, which plans to transpose the FATF norms into national law, likewise recognizes who is to assume liability for the oversight of cryptographic forms of money in the nation.

- Utilizing crypto for installments and speculations. 

The draft law on the counteractive action of the sanctioning of continues from wrongdoing and the financing of psychological oppression and weapons of mass decimation multiplication was bolstered by a noteworthy lion's share in the Rada.

The bill was revised to consolidate "virtual resources" which have been portrayed as property and as a computerized articulation of significant worth that can be exchanged or moved and utilized for installment or venture purposes.

Ukraine's enemy of illegal tax avoidance (AML) enactment presents the principles for virtual resources embraced for the current year by the Monetary Activity Team (FATF).

The individuals from the between legislative association as of late consented to screen and evaluate the usage of the crypto prerequisites in various nations.

The law additionally presents the expression "supplier of administrations identified with the exchange, trade, and capacity of virtual resources," the crypto data outlet Forklog uncovers in an article.

An intriguing point of interest is that corporate substances, as well as private people too, will be permitted to offer such administrations under the new guidelines.

All crypto activities will be dependent upon various degrees of money related checking to rely upon the sum and goal of every exchange.

The Service of Advanced Change, which has been very dynamic this year, will be entrusted to manage the course of virtual resources in Ukraine. It will likewise direct oversight to check consistency with AML guidelines in the crypto circle.

- Kiev to build oversight as a component of EU responsibilities. 

The changes managing cryptographic forms of money have been set up by legislators from the multi-factional parliamentary gathering 'Blockchain4Ukraine' with the assistance of the EU-financed master and logical focus Better Guideline Conveyance Office (BRDO) and individuals from the business.

They were decided on second perusing this past Friday after the principal perusing occurred on Nov 1. The reception of the law is a piece of Ukraine's duties under its affiliation concurrence with the EU, Ukrinform noted in a report and will open the path for a tranche of €500 million in budgetary help.

Laws in Ukraine are commonly passed on three back to back readings. During the first, appointees in the Rada acknowledge the draft on a fundamental level. At that point, they have two weeks to propose alterations before the subsequent perusing happens.

The law is at last affirmed on a third perusing. Nonetheless, bills are regularly embraced during the subsequent perusing and here and there much after the first.

The status of the FATF-enlivened bill on the Rada's site is presently "embraced" and "being set up for marking." New laws in Ukraine are marked by the president.

During the keep going deciding on Dec 6, a solid dominant part of more than 240 agents bolstered the law that additionally consolidates arrangements from EU's Fourth and Fifth Enemy of Illegal tax avoidance Mandates.

One of the revisions presented during the dialogs in the Ukrainian parliament lessens the at first proposed punishments for breaks of the AML enactment.

 Another obliges Ukraine's budgetary controllers to adjust their substatutory demonstrations with the new enactment inside a quarter of a year of its going into power.

The ebb and flow organization in Kiev, which took control after the appointment of Volodymyr Zelensky as president and the general political race this late spring in which his Worker of the Individuals party won a lion's share of seats has been very positive towards the nation's crypto network.

A store built up as of late by the Ukrainian government will convey $18 million in awards among new businesses from imaginative divisions of the economy including the blockchain business.

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